Beyond democracy | За демократию
[…] Let us now take a look at Alexander Kosolapov’s »Coca-Cola.…

Art and Morality under Neoliberalism: Reflections on “Blasphemous” Art from the East—A Tale in Three Parts
Part II: Russia and the Icon
If the new Poland has since…

Censorship: What Is It?
[…] The Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow had a show titled…

Prophets and Profits through the Prism of Art
[…] Russian-born American artist Alexander Kosolapov defended…

The artist in the age of commodity fetishism | Художник в эпоху товарного фетишизма
The history of art hasn't seen that many artists whose work…

Kosolapov Before and After | Косолапов до и после
Alexander Kosolapov has lived in America for two years longer…

Alexander Kosolapov and The Void | А. Косолапов и пустота
Time is working to Alexander Kosolapov’s advantage: we’ve…