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Idea against Materia: On the consumption of post-Soviet art | Идея против материи: потребляя постсоветское искусство

In their footsteps, Alexander Kosolapov made references to Pop Art in even more direct ways. His painting Caviar is explicitly based on Andy Warhol’s Tomato Soup Cans. Here is an alternative view the Cold War: consumer food products rather than abstract ideological figures constitute the symbols of state power. Similarly, Kosolapov’s Coca-Cola painting represents a meditation […]


God Bless Mickey-Lenin Recently, when I was trying to persuade a Russian curator to include Mickey-Lenin in yet another exhibition, I was met with a lack of understanding of the main elements of this work, which has been already shown numerous times. In principle, I am against commenting on my own work verbally, but I discovered the […]

Mini and Mickey, Worker and Farmgirl

A trend of destroying monuments to totalitarian culture started in the nineties years of the last century. I offered a concept of saving those sculptures by inserting them into the new social and esthetic context. In order to give them a new meaning I decided to put latex masks of commix heroes and other personages […]

Lenin Coca-Cola

The Russians landed on the Moon and painted it red. Then the Americans came and used that red as a background for the Coca-Cola logo. I heard that joke when I was a child…